

通识教育发展®) classes prepare students to take the 测试 required to earn the 格® 高中同等学历证书. 预备班用英语授课.

除了成人格®, BHC also offers an 选修教育(高中学分) and 青春期间®.

可选的教育 & 青年格®

注意: The ages to qualify for these programs vary, starting at age 16. 请致电了解更多信息.


选择性教育是由六个岩岛县公立中学系统共同努力的结果, bbin信誉网站, 地区学校监督和青年服务局,为逃学和辍学青少年提供教育选择. Students may earn high school credits leading to a diploma or prepare for 格® 测试. 还提供额外的支持服务.


旨在满足年轻的格的需要® 学生,选修教育格® classes help students with few high school credits prepare for the 格® 考试 which, in turn, will qualify them for employment or postsecondary education.


This program serves 16 to 24-year-old 可选的教育 high school credit or 格® 有兴趣探索就业和高等教育选择的学生. Career services offered include: self-assessment and 生涯探索; résumé, cover letter and interview preparation; job search techniques; training in employer expectations; job placement assistance; and guidance with transition to college. 咨询电话:309-796-8252.


斯塔克县青年援助计划是由职业链接通过劳动力投资法案拨款支持的. 它为16-24岁的合格青年提供支持,帮助他们完成高中水平的教育,然后成功进入工作岗位或接受高等教育培训. 学校为学生提供特殊的支持和辅导,帮助他们在学业上取得成功.

  • 免费的格考试练习/准备®
  • ® 测试资金
  • 为学生进步提供经济激励
  • 工作技能/面试培训
  • 协助创建一个强大的组织
  • 带薪工作经历
  • 运输援助
  • 有机会尝试焊接方面的工作, 卫生保健, 电脑, 汽车修理, 办公室职业等!

我们的工作人员提供个性化的指导,帮助参与者发展他们的性格和规划他们的未来. For more information, call 309-854-1862 or contact:

Career Link Case Manager
Career Link
106 E. Williams St., Wyoming, IL

Training for Employment and Academic Mastery (T.E.A.M.) Program

The Training for Employment and Academic Mastery (T.E.A.M.)计划是《bbin平台网站大全》的一项倡议,旨在帮助合GED的青年完成基础教育,并成功过渡到工作或高等教育. In addition to academic training, the program specializes in résumé-building, career exploration, workforce preparation, occupational and soft skill training, and individualized counseling to address character development. T.E.A.M. 在岩岛县Black Hawk College管理的所有Adult Education设施都可以使用. For more information, call 309-796-8242.


Qualifying students attend the bbin信誉网站 preparation classes without cost. However, students should note that t在这里 is a fee to take the 格® 测试. For registration dates and times, contact us at 309-796-8216.


学生必须居住在bbin信誉网站区,必须至少17岁,没有在K-12学区注册(16岁的学生只能在父母和K-12学区许可下注册)。. 选修教育/青少年普通教育文凭® 课程是为16-18岁的学生设计的.

Class times and locations are subject to change based on enrollments.

Convenient registration occurs throughout the semester. 注册期间的评估确保了课程中准确的班级安排. 符合条件的学生可以免费上课. 格® students should note that t在这里 is a fee to take the 格® 测试.


为了遵守公法101-166第511条(史蒂文斯修正案), 大约39%(377美元),24财年bbin信誉网站成人教育和扫盲经费的444)来自联邦资源.



  • 任何年满18岁的人, maintained residence in the State of Illinois for at least 30 days, 而且都不是高中毕业生, 但谁的高中班级已经毕业了
  • A member of the Armed Forces of the United States on active duty, 谁年满17岁, and who is stationed in Illinois or is a legal resident of Illinois
  • A ward of the Department of Corrections 谁年满17岁, 或被关押在伊利诺斯州监狱的任何分支机构或县惩教机构的囚犯
  • 17岁或以上的女性/男性,由于怀孕或一个或多个孩子的母亲/父亲而无法上学
  • 十七岁或十七岁以上,中途辍学至少一年的人
  • 根据第2-3条成功竞争替代教育项目的人.81 or Article 13A of The School Code of Illinois
  • 参加由伊利诺斯州国民警卫队赞助的青年教育计划的人(林肯的挑战)

How do I register, make appointments and pay fees?

四个普通教育文凭® 检查费用为36美元. 当一个学生准备参加格考试时® 他们必须参加格考试.. com及登入他们的个人格® account, register for a 测试 date and time, and pay the $36 fee. 成人教育 staff is available to help students create a personal 格® 为测试登记和注册. 虽然注册是通过格.com, all 测试 is done at either The bbin信誉网站考试中心, or The Rock Island County Regional Office of Education.

考试在bbin信誉网站考试中心和岩岛县地区教育办公室提供. 如果学生选择在洛克岛县教育区域办公室进行测试,他们必须直接与办公室联系,以设置首选的测试日期和时间. 如果学生选择在bbin信誉网站考试中心参加考试,则无需预约. Students are welcome to walk in during normal business hours to 测试. 唯一的要求是学生必须在下班前一小时到达,以确保有充足的测试时间.

T在这里 is no fee to take the Constitution module.  This module can be completed once students have taken their first 格® 考试.


Rock Island County Regional Office of Education

你可以注册普通教育文凭考试 在这里.


Students must obtain a score of 145 or higher on all four of the 格® 测试. 成绩在165分以上(任何科目)的学生被认为已经准备好上大学了.

The Constitution score is not included in the overall total. 高中成绩单表明通过宪法考试的学生将被免除考试. Transcripts must be sent to the appropriate Testing Center.

学生可以重新参加格考试® 测试 a maximum of three times within a calendar year. 每个普通教育证书的费用为10美元® 重新测试.

T在这里 is no fee or limit of 重新测试s associated with the Constitution 测试.


教室住宿的要求将提交给bbin信誉网站残疾服务办公室. 申请普通教育文凭® 考试安排将被发送给格® 测试服务. 宪法考试住宿要求将被发送到适当的考试地点(bbin信誉网站考试中心或岩岛地区教育办公室).


提供的住宿包括:延长时间, 大号字体, 录音带版本, 读者, 和抄写员.

Form L-15 or form SA-001 should be requested when registering for special needs.


bbin信誉网站 offers classes at no cost, at the following locations:

Outreach Center, 301 Avenue of the Cities, East Moline, IL or call 309-796-8216
社区教育中心,202 E. 第三个圣.或致电309-854-1875

For more information about prep classes please call 309-796-8216.

Area bookstore and libraries have preparatory materials available.
Online 格® Practice Tests are available as well at gedpractice.com.


合作学校要求学生每班上一定的课时 .5信用. 在上课期间,学生必须以及格水平完成指定的作业. 每完成一节课可获得半个学分. Credit cannot be earned unless both attendance and work requirements are met.

Is 可选的教育 a faster way to earn credit?

Students have the potential to earn credit more quickly in their home schools. 在家庭学校完成完整课程的学生每年有可能获得7个学分. 可选的教育 has a shorter day (4 or 5 hours), so students can only expect to complete 4 to 5信用s during an academic year. Some students earn less due to poor attendance or productivity.

If I decide to enroll in the 格® program, what classes will I take?

® 学生准备证明他们在五个领域具有与普通高中毕业生相同的技能:文学和艺术, 写作技巧, 科学, 社会研究, 和数学. Students are 测试ed when they enroll to help determine what areas need attention. 然后,教师与学生一起设计满足个人需求的课程.

If I decide to enroll in the 格® program, will I be able to go to college?

® graduates are eligible to enroll in college classes. 而格® 高中文凭毕业生® and college entrance scores may go directly to a four-year institution, many begin college at a community college like bbin信誉网站. 上大学的格® student should strive to earn scores that are higher than the minimum passing score. 学生还应该考虑参加键盘和计算机入门课程. Typing and computer skills will make the transition to college much easier.


格: Jennifer Sweborg, 309-796-5562 – sweborgj@siam-online.net

High School Completion or 青春期间: Laura Bragg, 309-796-8252 – braggl@siam-online.net